Get free access to the Microsoft Productivity Workshop!

    100 Life-Changing Tips Using
    Microsoft Office for Windows

    Best-selling guide by Vickie Sokol Evans designed for busy professionals who want to deliver better results in less time.

    This will be your go-to resource that includes the most relevant and practical tips for the Microsoft Office system.

    Get the book

    The Microsoft Productivity Workshop  |  3-Part Technology Course

    Life-Changing Tips Across Microsoft Office

    Module 1  –  90 minutes

    • Learn Windows tips that will improve your daily workflow
    • Format documents in mere minutes using 1-click formatting
    • Improve the integrity of your reports with time-saving, errorproof tools in Excel
    • Effortlessly create one slide deck from multiple presentations and adhere to brand guidelines

    Timesaving Outlook Tips

    Module 2  –  90 minutes

    • Discover ways to reduce your email volume
    • Learn tips to save time and effort for yourself and others
    • Create 1-click links for mobile addresses and conference calls
    • Automate your work using Quick Steps and Quick Parts

    Essential Collaboration Tips Using Microsoft 365

    Module 3  –  60 minutes

    • Learn life-changing tips in OneDrive and in Teams
    • Effectively collaborate with your remote team
    • Search across Office 365 to quickly find what you need
    • Use FindTime to quickly get a consensus on when to meet


    901 Mopac Expressway South
    Building 1, Suite 300
    Austin, TX 78746